Handy tip: Link Scopus to ORCID as a first step in populating your ORCID profile
See the video below on How to make changes to a Scopus Author Profile
For more information on working with author profiles, see https://elsevier.libguides.com/Scopus/author-profile and the link below:
Use the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard
Scopus uses an algorithm to create an author id and assigns papers automatically to your author id. Check regularly that your publications are captured on Scopus, particularly if you have a name which is common in your research area. See the instructions Working on gaps in author profiles in Scopus below.
The algorithm works by checking name, affiliation and research area but
"despite the sophistication of the algorithmic profiling used by Scopus, algorithms cannot always match all documents to a single profile with 100% accuracy"
To request corrections to author details, Use the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard
Since 2019 Web of Science ResearcherID is integrated with Publons
For more information see https://webofscience.help.clarivate.com/en-us/Content/publons.html
This guide shows how to Use Publons to track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-tomaintain profile. It includes a short video on how to set up and manage your Publons profile and how to import your publications from Web of Science and Orcid.
Once you have updated your ORCID profile, you then include your ORCID id on future journal submissions and this will keep your publication list updated on Web of Science.
Handy tip: Google Scholar will harvest your publications from ARAN
Google Scholar Citations - allows you to create a profile from existing Google Scholar data. It displays your publications and citations, and calculates your h-index and i10-index. You can choose to make your profile public, so that it appears in Google Scholar results when people search for your name. You can also have your list of articles updated automatically or review the updates yourself. Limitations include author misidentification and some duplication. Here are instructions on how to:
On 24 March 2017, the LIS-Bibliometrics group organised a full-day workshop at the University of Westminster on Bibliometrics in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Anne-Wil Harzing, who created the Publish or Perish software, gave two of the presentations & has uploaded slides with a summary of both talks on her blog:
Elizabeth Gadd, Research Policy Manager (Publications) at Loughborough University, gave a short presentation on the importance of monogaphs. See link to blog post and slides:
Blog post: https://thebibliomagician.wordpress.com/2017/04/28/measuring-the-magnificence-of-monographs/
Slides: Measuring the Magnificence of Monographs. Can it be done?
See also: Outputs from Bibliometrics in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences conference
Citation analysis for the Social Sciences: metrics and data-sources
From Anne-Wil Harzing's blog - published Tue 20 Sep 2016 11:01
My own bibliometric research since 2007 has been part of that movement. My latest article in this stream of research provides a longitudinal and cross-disciplinary comparison of the three major databases for citation analysis: Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science. As it was presented at a workshop on research evaluation in Madrid, it comes complete with a set of slides and a youtube video of the presentation.
See slide #5 for a comparison of data-sources across disciplines.
"Note that as a rule, the discoverability and visibility of publications posted on your website is lower than of publications uploaded to an institutional and/or disciplinary repository! Most digital repositories are compliant with technical standards that enable cross-archive searching (Open Archives Initiative’s Protocol for Metadata Harvesting OAIPMH). Thus, research output placed in a repository is far easier to find than through an individual's website. "
From: http://www.harzing.com/download/impactguide.pdf:
How to increase the visibility & impact of your research 06/2014 ESCP Europe
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