Handy tip: For one to one assistance with managing your research profile, contact the Research Services Librarian. Email rosie.dunne@universityofgalway.ie to make an appointment.
See also https://www.universityofgalway.ie/researchcommunityportal/yourprofile/ for support with IRIS and the University of Galway Research Repository
The Library offers regular training events. Check our list of events.
MyRI (Measure your Research Impact) is a free online bibliometrics tutorial with supporting learning resources available for re-use and adaptation under a creative commons licence.
MyRI provides online tutorials, datasheets (Resources tab), videos and useful links.
The resources were originally developed by a cross institutional library project team led by University College Dublin with project members from Dublin City University, Dublin Institute of Technology and Maynooth University. The initial project phase was funded by the Irish National Digital Learning Resource (NDLR) under a funding call specifically aimed at developing innovative learning resources for shared use.
MyRI was officially launched in 2011 and is now managed and maintained by three of the original member Libraries: Dublin City University; Maynooth University and University College Dublin.
For tutorials on Scopus author profiles and further training on Scopus, see:
For presentations on SciVal at University of Galway and links to more information on SciVal inlcuding creating an account, see http://www.nuigalway.ie/institutionalresearchoffice/research-metrics/research-metric-tools/scopus-&-scival-overview/
See also short videos on using SciVal created by the Insitutional Research Office: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/institutionalresearchoffice/research-metrics/
For a full range of tutorials on Web of Science and further training on Web of Science, see:
Webinar: Profiles Not Metrics
Click here to listen to the webinar recording
Professor Jonathan Adams, Director at the Institute for Scientific Information, a part of Clarivate Analytics talks about the recent ISI report “Profiles not metrics.” In its recent Global Research Report, the ISI team drew attention to the information that is lost when data about researchers and their institutions are squeezed into a simplified metric or league table. In this webinar, Jonathan Adams will draw on this report and look at four familiar types of analysis that can obscure real research when misused and four alternative visualisations that unpack the richer information that lies beneath each headline indicator. These four examples cover profiling of individuals, journals, research groups and institutions.
The ‘Profiles, not metrics’ Global Research Report is available for download at:
The Library proactively supports and enhances the learning, teaching, and research activities of the University. The Library acts as a catalyst for your success as University of Galway’s hub for scholarly information discovery, sharing, and publication.
University of Galway
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Galway, Ireland
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