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Keeping up to date with new research

New books


You may stay up to date with new books added to our library catalogue with email alerts or RSS feeds. Save your query, then from your Saved searches, select the icon for email alert or RSS feed. 
Many publishers will send regular emails to alert you to new books.  Check out academic publisher websites for details of how to sign up for alerts or follow / like publishers on Twitter/Facebook  or set up RSS feeds.

Bookshops will also often send alerts by subject.
General services include:


WorldCat, contains all the records catalogued by OCLC member libraries.It offers millions of bibliographic records and includes records representing 400 languages.

The RSS Feed button lets you subscribe to any public WorldCat list as an RSS feed and monitor changes to it using any RSS-capable Web site or software application.
To subscribe to a WorldCat list as RSS:

  1. From the Details and Notes View, click the RSS Feed button at the top of the page.
    Result: The AddThis "Subscribe to Feed" page appears, which links you to a variety of free Web services that can monitor RSS feeds, including personalized home pages at Google and Yahoo!.
  2. Select one of the displayed services, then either sign in to the service or create a new user account.

If you are using a Web browser with built-in RSS capabilities (such as Internet Explorer 7, Firefox, Opera or Safari), click the "View XML" link on the AddThis subscribe page to monitor the feed from your browser. If you use other RSS-capable software, simply right-click "View XML" and copy the link location into the program's facility for adding feeds.

Note: Private WorldCat lists cannot be monitored as RSS feeds. Although the RSS Feed button is displayed when you view your private list, other WorldCat users cannot see your list and no information can be obtained through the feed.”


Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of over 70 major UK and Irish libraries.  

If you have an RSS reader you can 'subscribe' to a Copac search as an RSS feed. This will supply you with automatic updates giving details of new records and changes to existing records that match your search. A maximum of 100 records will be included in each RSS feed.


Most national and international newspapers now support RSS feeds.

NEXIS provides access to the full text of local, national and international newspapers: 

New patents and standards


Patents are a very useful way of finding out about new research developments.

The Technology Transfer Office will provide you with information about new patented research here at University of Galway.

Access resources on Patents and Standards

E-print archives

E-print archives are web-based repositories providing access to a variety of scholarly publications, including:

  • Pre-prints of journal articles (pre-publication) which may eventually be published elsewhere
  • Copies of journal articles which have been published elsewhere.
  • Conference papers
  • Working papers
  • Theses and dissertations

Access E-print Collections and Open Access Repositories

Mailing Lists, Newsgroups and Discussion Boards

These are also a good source of information to keep you up-to-date with new conferences, calls for papers, and current academic debate. They can also help you identify the key players in your field and form networks of academic contacts. However it is worth remembering that mailing lists can generate a large amount of information emailed to your inbox so be careful not to over-subscribe!

Browse the Irish listservs hosted by HEANET

Find interest group mailing lists hosted by JISCMAIL

CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV® list

Upcoming conferences

Calls for conference papers and announcements about upcoming events are often posted to  active discussion mailing lists such as the ones hosted by HEANET and JISCMail.

Conference Alerts is a free website where conference organisers can list academic conferences and can be searched by topic or country.

Access links to up-coming Conferences and Proceedings

And real time conference alerts e.g. Twitter

Conference proceedings

Calls for conference papers and announcements about upcoming events are often posted to  active discussion mailing lists such as the ones hosted by HEANET and JISCMail.

Conference Alerts is a free website where conference organisers can list academic conferences and can be searched by topic or country.

Access links to conferences and proceedings using the library databases:

Research news and funding opportunities

Research Professional is a database for sourcing current international funding opportunities. To get the most from this resource including alerting features, you should create a personal account with Research Professional and login each time you use it. See how to access the site below.

You may set up email alerts or use the funding searches created by the Research Office for University of Galway researchers.

See for how to access Research Professional and for online training links.


Updates to websites

Many web sites now support RSS feeds enabling you to subscribe to the feed and keep up-to-date with updates to the page without actually needing to visit the page on a regular basis.