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Systematic Reviews: Managing the process

Why use reference management software ?

  • Ideal for managing large numbers of references
  • Create and maintain your own searchable database of references
  •  Insert citations into word processing documents
  •  Format references and bibliographies in a variety of styles                      




See the EndNote library guide 


EndNote for systematic reviews recorded webinars August 2020


Recorded webinars from are available here:

Learn how you can:

– efficiently document the steps of your search process; and
– save time managing and de-duplicating results sets.

Note that there are two webinar recordings and respective presentations, as this webinar consisted of two separate sessions


See also this blog post from Clarivate Web of Science / EndNote:

If you’re new to the field or want to brush up on your knowledge about systematic reviews, this blog includes the following systematic review tips:

  • What is a systematic review?
  • Supporting a comprehensive search
  • Why more is better for databases
  • Search strategies in the Web of Science™
  • How EndNote™ can help

Need training for EndNote ?

  • The Library offers regular training in using EndNote. Check our list of events to see if there is a date that suits you.


  • Sign up for online training from EndNote. View their Calendar of training events

Limits for exporting records

  • For our Ovid resources (Medline & PSYCinfo), the limit is set at 2,000 results. 
  • For our EBSCO (CINAHL) resources, the limit is set to 2,000 results 
  • For Embase,  there is a download limit of 10,000 records at a time
  • For Scopus,  there is a download limit of  2,000 records at a time

Note: the limit is being increased for Scopus to 20.000

It is still in beta version but it will be fully implemented in Q2 



For more information on exporting large number of results to EndNote from Ovid, EBSCO and Scopus see this guide from University of Southamption:

Software provided by University of Galway



Note: the library does not provide training on these tools. See links above for more information.

Other tools


In addition to EndNote, a number of other software tools can be used in the production of systematic reviews. 

  • Abstrackr An online tool for the task of citation screening. Available from
  • Covidence Cochrane's main recommended screening and data collection tool, Covidence allows for collaborative title/abstract/fulltext screening, data extraction and risk of bias assessment. It is available from  -  click on Support  for links to tutorials and webinar training
  • Distiller SR Online application designed for screening and data extraction. Access at
  • EPPI-Reviewer 4  is Web-based software recommended by Cochrane for complex reviews including narrative and qualitative synthesis. Manages references, stores PDF files and faciliates qualitative and quantitative analysis. See for more information including how to access or subscribe
  • Rayyan enables rapid sifting of search citations and facilitates the sharing of decisions by review authors on studies to be included or excluded from their review. Available from
  • RevMan  Review Manager is the Cochrane Collaboration's software used to prepare snd maintain reviews for publication in the Cochrane Library. The software can be downloaded from
  • Systematic Review Data Reporitory (SRDR) Web-based tool for the extraction and management of data for systematic review or meta-analysis". It is also an open and searchable archive of systematic reviews and their data, See

Cochrane compile an up-to-date searchable online catalogue of tools to support systematic reviews. The Systematic Review (SR) Toolbox is available at​



See also  Translating your search strategy using Polyglot and other automation tools

Leveraging GPT-4 for Systematic Reviews

See to view Recording of 1 hour webinar exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the process of systematic reviews (August 15th, 2023). Note PICO Portal is a systematic review platform that leverages artificial intelligence to accelerate research and innovation.



Moderator Dr Greg Martin. Presenters: Eitan Agai - PICO Portal Founder & AI Expert; Riaz Qureshi - U. of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; Kevin Kallmes - Chief Executive Officer, Cofounder; Jeff Johnson - Chef Design Officer.