See the EndNote library guide
Recorded webinars from are available here:
Learn how you can:
– efficiently document the steps of your search process; and
– save time managing and de-duplicating results sets.
Note that there are two webinar recordings and respective presentations, as this webinar consisted of two separate sessions
See also this blog post from Clarivate Web of Science / EndNote:
If you’re new to the field or want to brush up on your knowledge about systematic reviews, this blog includes the following systematic review tips:
Note: the limit is being increased for Scopus to 20.000
It is still in beta version but it will be fully implemented in Q2
For more information on exporting large number of results to EndNote from Ovid, EBSCO and Scopus see this guide from University of Southamption:
Note: the library does not provide training on these tools. See links above for more information.
In addition to EndNote, a number of other software tools can be used in the production of systematic reviews.
Cochrane compile an up-to-date searchable online catalogue of tools to support systematic reviews. The Systematic Review (SR) Toolbox is available at
See also Translating your search strategy using Polyglot and other automation tools
See to view Recording of 1 hour webinar exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the process of systematic reviews (August 15th, 2023). Note PICO Portal is a systematic review platform that leverages artificial intelligence to accelerate research and innovation.
Moderator Dr Greg Martin. Presenters: Eitan Agai - PICO Portal Founder & AI Expert; Riaz Qureshi - U. of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; Kevin Kallmes - Chief Executive Officer, Cofounder; Jeff Johnson - Chef Design Officer.