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EndNote Online/ EndNote Web

EndNote Online/EndNote Web

EndNote Web is a web-based version of the Endnote bibliographic management tool, though it does not offer the full functionality of the desktop version.   This service is available to all University of Galway staff and students but is most appropriate for undergraduate researchers wishing to maintain a limited library of references. 

EndNote Web is also useful for those using EndNote desktop version, as you can transfer your references between tools to enable you to access your references from off-campus locations.  Endnote Web also offers the facility to share your references with research colleagues.

Access to EndNote Online

EndNote Online is available for all students and staff at University of Galway. You need to create an account through Web of Science to have access to EndNote Online

To do this search the library catalogue for  Web of Science and access the database. You'll see a Register link at the top right hand side of the screen in Web of Science. This is where you will create your account. You'll also see a link for EndNote at the top of the screen in Web of Science. After creating your user ID and password you can use EndNote Online on any computer with an internet connection.

You must log into your EndNote Online account on campus at least once a year to keep it activated.




EndNote Online - a comprehensive range of online resources


Information on using EndNote Online, with links to resources including:

  • Video tutorials
  • Pdf reference guides to download




Webinars from


  • SIGN UP for online training from EndNote. Check their Calendar of training events.