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Finding DVDs & Audio


Finding DVDs and Audio

The Library has a small collection of audio-visual resources including DVDs, CDs and audio tapes.

Undergraduate students can borrow DVDs for 7 days at a time; postgraduate students and staff can borrow them for 84 days at a time. Please note that DVD's can be recalled by other users - if this happens, you will be notified, and you will need to bring the DVD back within 72 hours. Fines for late return of DVD's are 2 euro per day.

To find audio-visual resources: search the library catalogue by title or keyword and select 'audio-visual' under 'Refine My Results'.

Users should bring the DVD cover to the Library & IT Desk on the ground floor to borrow a DVD.  If you wish to watch the DVD in the library you can do so in Group Study Room 1 and Group Study Room 3, you can book these rooms online in advance.  You can also borrow a portable DVD player from the Library and IT Service Desk.

CDs and audio tapes are located in the Library’s Basement Store. Audio visual items held in the Basement can be requested online via the Library Catalogue or by completing a request form available from the Library & IT Desk. 

Can't find what you're looking for?

If the item you require is not on the shelf as indicated on the Library catalogue, please complete a request form available from the Library & IT Desk. 

If the Library does not have a copy of the resource you need, please feel free to suggest a title for purchase.