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Library Events and Training

Database webinar recordings

Recordings of database webinars presented by vendors, with the most recent events at the top of the page.

BIOSIS Citation Index and Zoological Record webinar - January 2024 presented by Rachel Mangan, Clarivate


BIOSIS Citation Index and Zoological Record Training for University of Galway  - Researcher Workshop Series - January 2024

The recording is available here.

Note: the presentation starts at 5:45

Presenter: Rachel Mangan, Customer Success Consultant. Clarivate.

Embase webinars June 2024, presented by María José DÁVILA-Rodríguez, Elsevier

Note: see passcode for each recording in column 2..





Additional information

Embase: First steps

Passcode: embase@24

Embase: Translation of PubMed queries  

Passcode: embase@24

Embase: PICO form and Emtree thesaurus

Passcode: embase@24

Ovid Medline webinars January 2024 presented by Michael Fanning, Wolters Kluwer


Introduction to Ovid – Searching the Databases - Researcher Workshop Series - 16 January 2024

The recording is available here


Advanced Searching on Ovid – Focus on Systematic Reviews  - Researcher Workshop Series - 23 January 2024

The recording is available here


Presenter: Michael Fanning, Training Manager. Wolters Kluwer

Introduction to Supporting Systematic Reviews ​using APA PsycInfo on EBSCOhost​, January 2024


Richard Crookes from EBSCO presented this webinar on  10 January 2024.

The recording is  available here:


The slides are available here:

Advanced Searching on EBSCOhost Research Databases online webinar for University Galway December 2023

Richard Crookes from EBSCO presented this webinar in December 2023.

The University of Galway have access to a wide range of databases via EBSCO with  databases across all subject areas including Business, Economics, Education, Health Sciences, Hospitality and Tourism, Psychology, Sociology, History, Humanities, Literature, Social Gerontology and ebooks.

The recording is available here:

The slides are available here:

Scopus webinar December 2023 presented by Michaela Klosterkamp & Vishal Gupta, Elsevier


How to address some of researchers’ most pressing questions with Scopus” December 2023

See links below for recording, slides and user guide:


Embase webinar December 2023, presented by Giulia Moncelsi, Elsevier

From Giulia Moncelsi, Elsevier:

You can download the presentation slides in pdf at this link:

And view the webinar recording here:

Passcode: Emb_OSC23



ProQuest databases webinar training November 2023 presented by Ali Nazari-Nouri from Proquest


The University of Galway have access to a wide range of databases via Proquest, including ProQuest Dissertations & Theses  and databases across all subject areas including Education Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, History, Film and Media Studies, Literature, News and Newspapers.

Here is the link to the session recording of the webinar presented by Ali Nazari-Nouri from Proquest:

See also the Proquest libguides which Ali mentions at the end of the webinar:

There are various database libguides, including a Proquest Theses and Dissertations libguide with webinar recordings for PQDT here.

Compendex webinar November 2023, presented by Susan Watson, Elsevier


Ei Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world 

Download the Quick Reference Guide 


Webinar presented by Susan Watson of Elsevier, November 2023

Find accurate, relevant & essential engineering information with a few clicks – Compendex (Engineering Village)



Click on the link and use the passcode below:

Passcode: 5.bS4+z*


See also this section of the  Compendex libguide: to view the Advanced session presented in December 2021.

EBSCO databases webinar training October 2023 presented by Richard Crookes from EBSCO


Richard Crookes from EBSCO presented this webinar 12 October 2023

The University of Galway has access to a wide range of databases via EBSCO with  databases across all subject areas including Business, Economics, Education, Health Sciences, Hospitality and Tourism, Psychology, Sociology, History, Humanities, Literature, Social Gerontology and ebooks.

Click here for a summary of  EBSCO Resources vs. Free Internet Search

The recording is  available here:



The slides are available here:

Gender and Literature studies - ProQuest databases webinar training for University of Galway

University of Galway have access to a wide range of databases via Proquest, including ProQuest Dissertations & Theses  and databases across all subject areas including Education Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, History, Film and Media Studies, Literature, News and Newspapers.



​mp4 icon Gender and Literature studies - ProQuest databases webinar training for University of Galway-20230425_110750-Meeting Recording.mp4

See also the Proquest libguides which Ali mentions at the end of the webinar:

There are various database bguides, including a Proquest Theses and Dissertations libguide with webinar recordings for PQDT here.

Web of Science Essentials webinar September 2022



Web of Science Essentials September 2022


Embase and Reaxys webinars University of Galway April 2022 presented by Giulia Moncelsi, Elsevier

From Giulia Moncelsi, Elsevier

Thank you for joining the webinars for Reaxys and Embase, part of the 2nd Virtual Week of the Elsevier Virtual Roadshow Series for Irish universities. The webinars have been recorded and you may access slides and recordings for all sessions directly through  the below links. 

Note: see passcode for each recording in column 4.


2nd Virtual week: 4th April – 8th April 2022


Link to slides

Link to recording

Recording passcode

Navigating biomedical and pharmacological literature on Embase®


Searching chemistry information in Reaxys®


Embase® advanced training on systematic reviews


Advanced skills and tips for using Reaxys®




ScienceDirect webinar University of Galway March 2022 presented by Michaela Kurschildgen, Elsevier

Introduction to ScienceDirect: More than a full text platform



Below you find the slide deck, your Certificate of attendance and further guidance: 


Please go to:

Please let me know if you can’t access this site email


Recording of the seminar:
Access Passcode: #z1k1CKv
Please make sure you don’t copy white space accidentally when you use this passcode as this will result into an error message.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions.

Slides from Scopus Webinar March 2022

Slides from a research presentation (2022) on searching in Scopus by the vendor, Elsevier.

Ovid webinars February 2022 presented by Michael Fanning, Wolters Kluwer


Michael Fanning presented two webinars in February 2022:



Introduction to Searching on Ovid Medline database  - Researcher Workshop Series - 2 February 2022:




The recording is available here


Advanced Searching on Ovid Medline for Systematic Reviews - Researcher Workshop Series - 11 February 2022:

The recording is available here

The demo is based on the sample search strategy below: