Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Hosts databases including StatBank; Census of Population, Agriculture and several other public sector areas.
Includes statistical databases from International Organizations such as Eurostat, ECB, OECD, UNECE, UNSC, & IMF.
Includes guidelines, reports, statistical information, financial statements and the Department's monthly Economic Bulletin.
Includes regular research bulletins, forecasts and other Irish and Euro area statistics.
Irish Social Science Data Archive (ISSDA)
Surveys included are Growing up in Ireland; Opinion Poll data; Cross National Comparative Data, Social and Political Attitudes Survey, NCPP Employee Attitudes Survey, Irish National Election Study, Ageism and Ageing, Eurostudent and Attitudes to Disability
ESRI (Economic & Social Research Institute)
A leading European research centre in the social sciences focusing on economic and social change in Ireland
CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland
EurostatEuropean Union Statistics
ECB - European Central BankStatistics provided by ECB
German BundesbankGerman Central Bank
IMF DataData on Country Outlooks
World Trade OrganizationInternational Trade Statistics from World Trade Organisation (WTO). (A free resource, no login required when off campus)
The Library proactively supports and enhances the learning, teaching, and research activities of the University. The Library acts as a catalyst for your success as University of Galway’s hub for scholarly information discovery, sharing, and publication.
University of Galway
University Road,
Galway, Ireland
T. +353 91 493399