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Starting your research at the University of Galway Library

Starting your research guide

This guide will introduce you to the main resources and services for your research at the University of Galway Library

Watch out for the Handy tips designed to save you time and effort!

Training Calendar

The library offers regular training events. Check the full list of events here.

Handy tip: The events are in date order, and you can use the options on the left hand side to filter by Calendar, Category, Audience, Campus and Online / In person events:


Library training video tutorials and Database webinar recordings

Library training video tutorials are available here

Database webinar recordings are available here

Using our services from home

Handy tip: You can access all of the Library's resources from off-campus.

  • See our library guide on Off Campus access, setting preferences on Google Scholar, and Including articles search on the library catalogue

Suggesting books for the library

Some funds may be available for the purchasing of books.

Handy tip: The short video below shows how to recommend new purchases for the Library.

Self assessment multiple choice