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Publishing your research

Predatory publishing?


“Over the past decade a group of scholarly journals have proliferated that have become known as “predatory journals” produced by “predatory publishers.”  “Predatory” refers to the fact that these entities prey on academicians for financial profit via article processing charges for open access articles, without meeting scholarly publishing standards”


Note: “If an author is aware of predatory publishing and decides to publish a paper in a journal even after experiencing a perfunctory or nonexistent review process, then predatory publishing becomes fraudulent and unethical publishing. It is important that inexperienced researchers be made aware of the difference between an acceptable review process and a fraudulent one.”

Ray, M. (2016). An Expanded Approach to Evaluating Open Access Journals. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 47(4), 307-327.

See also this section:

What is an academic to do?


Harzing, A.W.; Adler N.J. (2016) Disseminating knowledge: From potential to reality – New open-access journals collide with conventionAcademy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 15(1):140-156. Available online... Publisher’s version.

Anne-Wil Harzing offers the following suggestions for academics:

“Before submitting to a journal, check:

  •  The editor’s and editorial board’s publication records

  • Whether the journal’s articles can be found in Google Scholar

  • Some sample articles from the journal’s website, after all they are Open Access, so do some due diligence

As with any scam: If it sounds too good to be true it usually is....”


Note: Predatory journals are sometimes indexed by "white lists"  such as DOAJ or Web of Science see this article in Nature Open-access index delists thousands of journals and this blog post:


Think Check Submit Checklist

Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research. It is a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.

Think Check Submit Checklist:

Reference this list for your chosen journal to check if it is trusted.

Assessing Open Access Journals

 For help in assessing Open Access journals you may consult these directories:

An online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

The membership list for the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. OASPA promotes “a uniform definition of OA publishing, best practices for maintaining and disseminating OA scholarly communications, and ethical standards.”

Biochemia Medica - Special issue on predatory publishing

This special issue of Biochemia Medica reflects the growth in predatory publishing over the last decade. The editorial cites an estimated 8000 predatory journals published worldwide (Habibzadeh, 2017)


Biochemia Medica 2017;27(2):273–8: Research integrity corner: Special issue on predatory journals

Available at:



Farrokh Habibzadeh, Ana-Maria SimundicPredatory journals and their effects on scientific research community.Biochemia Medica 2017;27(2):270-2.


Jeffrey Beall. What I learned from predatory publishers. Biochemia Medica 2017;27(2):273-8.



Lorraine E. Ferris, Margaret A Winker. Ethical issues in publishing in predatory journals. Biochemia Medica 2017;27(2):279-84.


Christine Laine, Margaret A. WinkerIdentifying predatory or pseudo-journals. Biochemia Medica 2017;27(2):285-91.


Cleaning up bad science video

"These three crusaders are all fighting to clean up bad science"  broadcast by The National, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, in April 2016. 

See CBC blog post.

Research integrity


At the 5th World Congress of Research Integrity in 2017, Ian Freckleton comments on scholarly misconduct from a legal perspective.

Maura Hiney presented on:

  1. Efforts to harmonise codes of conduct for RI in Europe - Drivers, approaches and challenges in a multi-system context.pdf


Retraction watch blog

Retraction Watch reports on retractions of scientific papers

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