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3D Scanner - Matter & Form

Set up

First put the scanner on a flat surface and plug in the power and the USB cables. Then press the MF button that is located on the back of the scanner (If you would like to download the software visit

Calibrating your scanner

Once you have successfully downloaded MFstudio open it up and click on tools on the top of the screen then press calibrate. Then choose whether you have a card or a box, then press your calibration devise on the bed of the scanner after that press calibrate this is step 1 out of 2.

Once you have completed step one press continue and now it’s on to step 2. You now must move the card/box closer to the scanner (about a centimetre), then just press continue and after 2 to 3 minutes you have successfully calibrated your MFstudio scanner. (Once you have completed your calibration proses you can now press new project).

Laser detection

Once you have started a new project press the New Scan button and make sure you are on quick scan and are using geometry settings laser 1.

Place your object of choice on the plate for this example we will be using a duck.

(Make sure you are not in a too bright room as the light can affect the laser whilst scanning).

Now that you have placed your object on your disc you will be able to have a better look of the laser on your monitor screen. If the laser is green and broken up like down below that will not give you a good scan, you must adjust laser 1 by moving the slider line closer or further away from you until you can get the best possible green horizontal line on your object.

Laser detection and camera exposure

If your object has half a green light and half a red light that means you have to much light shining on the laser. The best way to prevent this is by blocking out the light by just placing a cover over the scanner.

Preforming a scan

We are almost ready to scan but firstly though we must place the duck on the plate of the scanner, the inset shows the camera exposure for capturing texture. This will be the colour that will be applied to the scanned object. Move the slider line under the texture settings until the image shows clearly. Depending on the size of the object you must adjust the scan path at the bottom left on your screen, you can adjust it by dragging it up or down depending on your object. There is also a slider line just above the bottom one. It is for how many degrees you want the scanner to rotate for example 360 degrees.

Now you press scan and it should be ready to go (It should take 2 to 3 minutes to fully scan).

Once you have completed your first scan you should see this screen. You can press add scan if it didn’t fully cover all the holes and place your object in other positions to fill them in. After 3-6 scans depending how many chunks aren’t filled in you are now ready to put them all together just Press the A button and after a few seconds of loading the duck should be fully completed.

If you get some additional chunks you can get rid of them by using your cleaning tool on the bottom left of your screen. The very bottom slider line gets ride of the circle of chunks. But it is very important to get rid of these chunks before you combine them all at the end.

Once you have made a certain number of scans of your object you are now able to combine them. To combine them you will need to press the A button.

Once they have all been combined you are now ready to mesh them


Press the mesh tab

Once the image of your object is displayed on your screen you can now press the slider line that is under meshing options to adjust the texture you want.

Exporting a scan

To export a scan go to the file menu and select export.

If you are 3D prinnting you have to choose the stl file and give your scan a file name and press save.

Video to help: